What is Google Adsense?
In order for writers to earn money for the Google "Adsense" adds on their Info barrel articles we need that you have a Google "Adsense" account. If you do not already have a Google "Adsense" account, you will need to sign up for one, as we want you to offer us with your Google Adsense Publisher ID.

First of all, you will need to sign up for a Google AdSense account. It may take some days to accept your approval depending on how back logged Google is. To sign up, point your browser to https://www.google.com/adsense/g-app-single-1 and complete the form.
If you do not have a website, you can just place the url of your Info barrel profile as your website URL when signing up. For example, if my user name on Info Barrel is 'test', my url would be 'http://www.Infobarrel.com/Users/test'. If you are going to use your Info barrel profile as your Google "AdSense" ID, make sure you have at least one approved article, otherwise Google may reject your account due to your profile being 'under construction'.
Make sure you have completed all the Google "AdSense" information out properly because they will be sending you your checks for your earnings. The wrong address means no checks!
That is appealing, once you have been approved, login to Google "AdSense" by going to http://www.google.com/adsense . Once logged in, in the very top right corner you will see 'Publisher ID:'. All Publisher IDs start with the prefix 'pub-' followed by a grouping of numbers. This is the publisher ID that we need in your profile in order to credit you with your add imprints. Make sure you grasp this ID, place it in Google "AdSense" Publisher ID field in your profile and save it.
For more detailed help on signing up for Google AdSense, please point your browser to https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/topic.py?topic=8422
Once you have been approved for your account, you will set up a Channel to track your opinions and clicks on Info Barrel. For help setting up a channel take a look at this page: https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=13993
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us!
Highest Paying AdSense Keywords for the year 2011
This is the regular Orange copper update post that we publish post our ordered study on the high paying AdSense keywords and niche specific keywords that would earn you the most. So in case you are starting a blog primarily targeted at high adsense earning, my suggestion would be first select the niche, cultivate good content and thereby traffic and further add the adsense on to the blog.
Below is the list i have prepared from extensive keywords research using google adwords tool. Hopefully this will help you.
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