What's the distinction between a Ocean and a sea

Although the terms "ocean" as well as "sea" in many cases are utilized interchangeably, a lot is usually considered to be smaller than an ocean. 1 definition of "ocean" is actually: a great entire body of interconnecting salt water which covers 71 % from the Planet's surface. There are 4 major oceans-Arctic, Ocean, and Indian native, as well as Pacific. However, a few resources do not range from the Arctic Sea, calling it a marginal sea. 

The term "sea" is usually allotted to saltwater areas on the margins associated with oceans, like the Mediterranean and beyond located beside the Atlantic Ocean.

Sources: Mayhew, Susan, and Anne Penny. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Geography, g. 164; The actual Guinness Book of Solutions, Eighth erectile dysfunction., pp. 62-65; The actual Universal Almanac 1992, p. 296.


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