Child Birth Abbreviations

Here are some abbreviations about the Medical Science in child Birth methods.

2WW - 2 week waiting period 
(the period of two weeks after insemination, but before you can get an accurate test)

DP3DT - Number of days past 3 day transfer
AF - Aunt Flow (period)
BBT - Basal body temperature
BFN - Big Fat Negative (Negative Pregnancy Test)
BFP - Big Fat Positive (Positive Pregnancy Test)    CD - cycle day
DPIUI - days past IUI
DPO - days past ovulation
FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
IUI - Intrauterine Insemination
IVF - In Vitro Fertilization
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
POAS - Pee on a Stick
RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist (fertility specialist)
SMC - Single Mother by Choice
TTC - trying to conceive


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